Sunday 23 October 2011

I've had a 'hand' epiphany

I suddenly had an epiphany today, I've always wanted to learn to play the guitar, but never seemed to 'get it' very easily, found my fingers don't reach how they possibly should. Well, today it suddenly hit me, afer all these years (I am now 37), I really do have quite small hands. It's funny how it can suddenly dawn on you just how small your hands are.

My hands are so important to me, as they are to most people, but I love crafting, I crochet, knit, cross stitch, make cards, I qualified as a hairdresser (and I do prefer small scissors so I have less chance of slicing large amounts of skin off my fingers and hands) I did learn to play saxophone (keys aren't too far apart on that instrument), I can touch type, I'm told I give a good massage and have also found I can draw (much to the contrary of what my art teacher used to tell me at school) and I quite enjoy cooking too.

But it never really dawned on me, until today, after reading a forum, that I have diddy hands. On a forum someone had written their hands were, from tip of middle finger to base of palm, around 7.25 inches in length, so I got a ruler out, my hands are 6.25 inches long, in that respect. My middle finger, which is my longest, is about 2.75 inches long. I have small hands, excuse me if I find this really amusing.

It is now making a lot more sense to me as to why I've had such trouble, I guess my next move, if I want to play a guitar, is to find a good one for small hands, or maybe a similar instrument that can be played with small hands. Possibly a ukulele, which was mentioned by a music teacher this week while on a school tour who suggested that for children to start on 'as they have smaller hands', again its all adding up and its amusing me no end.

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