Monday 3 October 2011

Keep sharp objects away from me!

Today has been 'one of those days' for me and sharp implements! I was getting my bread maker set up with the ingredients for Cranberry and orange bread, I get my 'Microplane' fine grater out to zest the orange and after a few strokes of the thing I take a nice lump of skin of my knuckle on my thumb on my right hand. So rinse it, and the microplane, wrap kitchen roll around it tightly while I run upstairs to get a plaster and antiseptic. After 'fixing' myself up I then decide to go from right handed zesting, as I am right handed, to left handed zesting, a couple strokes more and bugger me if I don't take a lump of nail off of my thumb on my left hand!! The nail actually stuck in one of the grater holes, so I had to retrieve that, and rinse it AGAIN, a bit of a trim of that nail and a filing and it was fine. Finally got the bread maker going and it came out fine, always smells good when that's cooking!

So rest of the day goes OK, bit sore on the right thumb but nothing that really stops me from doing anything. So I do roast pork for dinner and I usually try to remember to do homemade apple sauce to go with it. So there I am, really good sharp knife, did the shallot, celery (I make a slightly savoury apple sauce for Pork) then I get my two Bramley apples, cut them into four, take the core out, just start taking the skin off and 'here we go again' got a knife blade in my left thumb!!! Luckily for me the knife is super sharp, so it didn't hurt too much when I did it, but it showed quickly I needed yet another clean up and plaster on. So, I sit there for most the evening with a plaster on each thumb and had to use rubber gloves to do the washing up, WHICH I HATE!! All I can say is it's just as well I wasn't going to cut anyone's hair today, I might have lopped an earlobe off or more of my fingers.

So, I have two sore thumbs, 1 short nail and I still have my sense of humour intact. Hopefully tomorrow will be less accident prone!!

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