Friday 16 April 2010

What is passion to you?

What is passion to you?

The definition in the Oxford English Dictionary is:

• noun 1 very strong emotion. 2 intense sexual love. 3 an outburst of very strong emotion. 4 an intense enthusiasm for something. 4 (the Passion) the suffering and death of Jesus.

I must admit, this, to me, is a very good definition. But how would you describe passion?!

To me, passion is; that feeling of fire in your belly, when your heart quickens a little, or a lot, because of something. Whether it’s a passion for someone, something, a cause, an object, a piece of music, a sport. Whether it’s a passion of loving something or loathing it, you feel that ‘fire in your belly’.

I was brought up to believe that life is what you make of it. Living life, being grateful for what you have, there are always people worse off than you. Whether it be financially, physically, mentally, emotionally. Look at your life: what do you have? A family, friends, health, wealth, happiness through diversity? Whatever there is in your life, be grateful.

I do believe everything happens for a reason, you can go through some really rough times but in the end you should learn from the experience, good or bad, and come out the other side a better person for going through it. Feel that passion for life, don’t give up, however bad times seem, know that there has to be a silver lining to this cloud hanging over you. It could be a major turning point in your life when someone new comes into it, a new partner or friend. You may achieve a goal you’ve wanted to reach in a long time. You could lose a loved one, but discover a wealth of information from others who loved them.

Through all paths in life, live and learn, live with passion, don’t give up, however much you want to, there’s always an upside to every downside, however bleak it may seem at the time.

Don’t let life, your life, get you down. Hang on for the ride, life is definitely like a rollercoaster, with its peaks and troughs. Whether you have a hateful passion for something or a loving passion for something, stick with it, see it through and don’t hurt your nearest and dearest in the process, which, we’re all guilty of.

Feel that fire in your belly, take a deep breath in and feel the air fill your lungs, look at your surroundings and take in the things around you, the people that are there for you, even if it’s only one person, there’s someone there who loves you, unconditionally. Do a good deed, however small and feel that warmth in your heart for helping someone out. Feel a passion for life, not just a singular thing, but for your life and keep that feeling in your mind and heart EVERY DAY.

HAVE A PASSION FOR LIFE and live life to the fullest!

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